Embark on a two-year (120 ECTS) academic journey within an English-taught program proudly bearing the Erasmus Mundus label. This exceptional venture unfolds through a meticulously designed curriculum, where every student shares the same educational trajectory, spending one enriching semester at each of our distinguished partner universities.
Our collaborative effort involves three partner universities—each renowned for its internationally recognized expertise in the domains of artificial intelligence, image processing, and computer vision. Together, Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, Hungary (PPKE), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain (UAM), and the University of Bordeaux in France (UB) have pooled their complementary strengths to craft a triple Master degree (120 ECTS) that stands as a testament to quality and adaptability to the ever-evolving job market.
Let the journey unfold:
Don’t forget to REGISTER to the Open Day!